IROSI: International Road Safety Initiative
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IROSI was founded in 2019 to create a model in one country that would set off a chain reaction for improving road safety in neighboring regions and beyond.

After accomplishing its initial mission, IROSI may expand its scope to cover other activities and issues, such as reducing the hazards from fuel tanker rollovers; promoting comprehensible, standardized, and legible designs of road signs, signals, and markings of pavements and curbs; and funding of travel to meetings and workshops for qualified professionals.

IROSI seeks to inspire people of all ages, backgrounds, and professions – teachers, filmmakers, politicians – to join us in finding novel ways to change a culture that tolerates the lethal combination of inadequate driver education, reckless driving, hazardous vehicles, and perilous roads.

IROSI envisions a world where everyone becomes conscious of how they use the road and how their behavior affects the behavior of others…where they observe the rules and etiquette of the road…where their goal is safe arrival at a destination rather than fast arrival. IROSI subscribes to the principle of vision zero, which holds that one road user fatality is one too many.

One road, one people, one goal.

  CONTACT: ©2024. IROSI. USA. All Rights Reserved.