IROSI: International Road Safety Initiative
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IROSI aims to offer practical solutions for improving road safety worldwide, with focus on where need is greatest – in low and middle income countries.

So much must be done in so many places. To avoid attempting too much and achieving too little, IROSI will start in one country on one task, improving road safety education with the emphasis on protecting children. The effort will be addressed from all directions by reaching out to drivers, teachers, and parents, and to the children themselves. Tools will be created for training drivers of all types of vehicles as well as driving instructors and testers. Print manuals, VCDs, curricula, tests, and websites will train the trainers and guide drivers toward sound road safety practices. All illustrations and terminology will be customized for the particular country. This effort will be a model, after adjusting for cultural and regulatory differences and specific concerns (such as driver behavior at railway crossings, texting while driving, or sandy roads), that may be applied to any other country.

IROSI will serve a country’s traditional and modern regions, from travelers on unpaved roads to drivers on superhighways. No one’s needs will be ignored.

Distinct publications will address drivers of trucks, buses, motorized and pedal tricycle taxis, and cars and riders of motorcycles, mopeds, and pedal bicycles. Present and newer modes of transportation, fuel economy, and emission control will be covered. Advice will be included for adult pedestrians, rural and urban school children, and cross-border drivers whether entering or exiting the country.

IROSI’s tools will meet the highest standards of the most advanced countries in road safety because the people of lower income countries deserve no less.

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